JHT Shooting Target


  • Measures 23 x 35″
  • Full Color Print
  • 60 lb Offset
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JHT Shooting Target

The JHT Shooting Target was designed with an all-in-one principal for our behavior driven shooting. The JHT target features a silhouette with an outline for a normal human’s vital sign areas designed to give shooters the ability to see how their rounds would affect the human body. The silhouette also features a left and right hostage target.

In addition, we have varying shapes on the side of the target to allow for multiple training opportunities and drills. The infinite combination of shapes, colors, numbers and letters allows an instructor or student to create a wide variety of shooting problems. Students can be given simple commands such as “shoot all the triangles” or more complex scenarios such as “shoot at the squares and triangles that contain a number.” The idea is it forces the shooters used to thinking and shooting rather than punching holes in paper.

There is also an instructor confidence/zero target for shooters to confirm their zero.

  • Measures 23 x 35″
  • Full Color Print
  • 60 lb Offset

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10 Targets, 25 Targets, 100 Targets


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