This 2-day behavior driven close quarters clearance (CQC) course is designed to teach you how to process information and make decisions under stress by applying the thinkers over shooters mind set. Better tactics equal a better position, a better position equals faster processing of information, which allows better decision making. Our LE CQB program is designed to teach police officers to respond and lay a foundation of tactics which can be applied to everyday patrol operations, such as traffic stops, domestic emergencies, building searches, etc. Most courses apply a training method where they want to influence behavior and expect behavior to mimic training, or molding behavior to unnatural tactics. We teach tactics that are evolved from real world human behaviors. We want to mold tactics to natural behaviors by focusing on how humans typically behave under duress, emphasizing principles which fit within real world responses, and bringing the “real world” to our training. This course will focus on use of weapon lights during the day, walking suspects to you, cuffing, angles of fire, angles of exposure, angles of approach, angles of cover, and angles of clearance. You will learn single officer response and 2 officer response using the crawl, walk, run method of instruction. Will we provide you with a style of training that will give you the edge when your life depends on it and teach how to apply less lethal force, lethal force, and contact cover. These skills will be use with a combination, force on paper, force on force scenarios, and live role players. driven
Current law enforcement or military credentials are required.
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Specializing in behavioral driven information allowing the trainee to understand their own reactions when placed in high risk situations.